So i was doing a mini z board swap with my xmod yesterday and everything seemed to go terribly wrong! I doubled check, and even printed out the instructions on atomic mods, cept I was using a mini z OL board instead of the mr-02. Just as I turned on the car, my servo went berserk. It wouldn't center and just shook really fast back and forth. When I tried to steer, it would just lock onto one side. I don't know what I did wrong. I wired the orange and black wire together from the potentiometer, and connected it to the orange mini z wire, and the white one with the green wire. INstead of using an xmod steering motor, I went with a mini z one. That's the only thing I didn't follow. On my 3rd try, smoke came from one of the steering FETS, and one of the servo motor wires melted off. DID I BLOW A FET TOO? I then soldered it back on, and turned the car on again, and got the same berserk movement. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong, and if my FETS are dead? I'm thinking of either sending it to atomic mods for help, or buy another mini z board, and start at square one.
Nvm, everything's all good. I switched back to old xmod steering motor, works fine now. My first hobbygrade xmod.
Last edited by FloydfanYodaman; 03-15-2011 at 02:46 AM..