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Old 04-12-2009, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by jimmythekid1 View Post
Thats not to bad. I paid at least that much putting my self through community college. But I did take out cost of living loans and change my major from graphic design over to automotive science.

After school most places pay flat rate started out around $14 per hour. so if you can flag 60 hours of work in 40 hours time you really come out ahead. The last dealer ship I worked for I was around $25, I make less per hour now but times are changing and I have a guaranteed salary.

The down side about flat rate is when times are slow you may only flag 20 hours in one week, very hard to make a living this way.
Good news is, if you find a solid shop or dealership, the service side has so far stayed pretty busy compared to the sales side. Unfortunatly, a lot of dealerships don't see it this way and continue keep service, "business as usual".

While the autoindustry can't sell a car, things are still breaking down. My dad, a nearly 30 year ASE Mastertech, works at a local Cadillac dealership. Despite the fact that sales are slow (for everyone), the service side of things keeps moving along and these guys are staying busy. But, when it comes to stupid dealership rules, they can't service cars that are over 10 years, or 100k miles (warranty basically). And many dealerships do this, even motorcycle dealerships. Where does the work go?

Independant shops. Now, I dunno how they do right now, but a friend of mine (owns the black GMC step side used to tow the CST10 home 2 years ago), his shop is still doing quite fine, a good indy shop seems to be resession proof right now, at least here int he houston area. Jimmy can vouch to how busy his stop stays.

Just with how things now, looking at a job with a dealership should be 2nd to an independant shop. In the next few years, were going to loose a lot of domestic dealerships in the process of trimming the fat. Especially under the government rule. On the dealership side, I can tell you it's a scary place to be employed right now. Hopefully in about a 2 years time when you get out, things will be on the growing side, but at this time, the dealerships are shrinking.
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, hot pink, with whale
skin hubcaps and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights. Yeah! And I'm gonna drive
around in that baby at 115 miles an hour, getting 1 mile per gallon.

I may be king of the idiots, but my kingdom is vast and my subjects are everywhere
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