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Old 07-09-2010, 01:53 AM
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firebird999 firebird999 is offline
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Been over 24 hours, so I'm bumping or whatever with info.

I was just talking with a friend, who is the proud owner of this beautiful car:

Sits like this as of now, in case you care to see more of it, and if it's still not enough, just let me know. He's got plenty more pictures.

DON'T ask about the Camaro though. He has no public pics of it and I don't want to bug him for them.

Anyway, he and I both agree on one big thing: The lower, the better. I want my car down like his, minus the insane camber, offset, and stretch, so obviously I'll need coilovers and whatnot, and of course some rims to match. Looking at my 16" SE rims, I think anything from 17-19" will look good, , and maybe rather than 6.5" wide I'll go somewhere around 7-7.5". I was looking through a SuperStreet magazine today at Barnes and Noble, and after laughing my butt off at some guy who answered his phone and simply said "The worst coin? That's pennies." and hung up, I finally made the connection that as crazy and tacky as it may sound and be, I want pink rims! Pink six spokes with a white lip would be the BEST! I found some I liked in a Konig ad, but they were 4x100 instead of 4x108. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I guess I should ask
1) Do you know of anything like what I want?
And 2) What's the best tuner magazine that isn't JDM exclusive? :P I want to see Foci in there...
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