Thread: Truck Ideas
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Old 03-24-2010, 12:40 AM
pinsk17 pinsk17 is offline
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I like the trophy truck idea but I think it's going to be a little to much work. I have decided that since I am a snowboarder, I am going to build a snow truck.

White and dark blue paint scheme. Body kit, roll bar, lights, custom push bar, and finally the treads. I have wanted to do treads since I got a truck. I have all the parts now I just have to figure out how to do it.

There is going to be four independent treads. The truck will have to be AWD, raised and the axles will have to be wider. I am going to use small Lego treads, and metal pieces from an e-rector set that I never put together.

I am hoping that this works, because treads r awsome and I haven't seen to many trucks with treads on here. R there any?

As I progress with the paint I will post pics, but until then nothing will be added. Patinence will be a key factor in this thread.
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