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Old 02-28-2010, 08:36 PM
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firebird999 firebird999 is offline
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Originally Posted by 2jack3jack View Post
Id buy that wheel pm me
I'd consider it, but shipping would be too much for something in the condition it is. And I might want to keep it for myself anyway. Sorry.
Originally Posted by maxinflixion View Post
How'd that stuff get randomly out there? I say grab a metal detector. Could be some more antique car loot out there!
Definitely. I'm going out there with a small garden spade later just to pick at the surface. It's really cramped and deserted, so getting a metal detector could be a challenge. But there are some other notable things I found but haven't taken yet.
1) A Huffy boys' bike, looks to be about a 17", frame/handle bars only. Same gear changer as my neighbor's old bike which looks to be from the 70s/80s, but I'm not too sure.
2) A shopping cart. It looks very retro at the bottom, and it's 95% rusted, so I'm guessing 70s/80s on it as well.
3) Scrap metal, including a segment of an 8" steel pipe (I guarantee you, if I can get that out it's worth at least $10 as scrap. It's huge.), part of a drive train (Too far out to drag it back easily), an old washtub, some strange wad of metal bars and hinges that says "Hedstrom" on it, an entire disassembled aluminum roof, an oil drum, and much, much more.
4) (Possibly) A vehicle of some sort. There's something that looks to be an axle poking up from the ground and some sort of fender protruding around part of it. It's either a tractor of some sort or a Volkswagen Beetle (Or just some coincidentally positioned scraps), and I'm 100% I can't unearth it and if I did, there's not a chance in hell it would ever run again.

EDIT: From its beginning in the late 1700s (Yes, 1700s. Keep in mind I live in Georgia, so I'm not lying.) until the late 1970s, my town was strictly rural. This one lady owned my tri-neighborhood area as her farm from the early 1900s onward. In the early 90s, she sold out her land to make said three neighborhoods. Between my house, her house, and this redneck guy is about 1/3 acre that was never touched by the construction crews. So all her crap, all the redneck guy's crap, and quite possibly waste from the construction sites has piled up in that small area to go unnoticed until last Saturday, when my neighbor's cat escaped and I went back there to find him. That is how all that stuff ended up out there.

Last edited by firebird999; 02-28-2010 at 08:44 PM..
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