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Old 01-11-2010, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by dreamingISdrifting View Post
LOL looka at this message my friend sent him hehehehehe and look at his reply... do i see discrimination???
Don't sell to Asians. Sorry (reply)
On 1/11/10, XXXXX XXXXX wrote: (first question, totally a bluff)
> Hello, I really like your xmod on ebay. I got my dad into buying me an xmod
> off of ebay as long as it works and a ton of gpm parts. After looking at all
> the other ones on ebay, and you're right they are like $500 for compatible
> speed cars. All of my friends have one and i want one to smoke em i hope
> this does the job, i was wondering if you could get me a video of the car
> running at 37mph. My stock car only goes 12mph.
That would be enough to get him banned from ebay for life(well that account anyway) and possibly bought up on charges of discrimination. Sounds pretty mad to me . I think a lot of people who buy xmods off ebay look on forums first to get an idea of what not to buy and I really doubt he is going to sell that thing now and he knows it. Scammer got caught up before some one else did And he is not replying to me at all. I guess I better stop before he tries to say I am harrasing him
I need alloy rims but not the rs alloy rims. If you have some you are willing to part with let me know. Paying top dollar for them and even better if they are top cad alloy rims as I will pay full price and a half for them.