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Old 12-31-2009, 12:59 AM
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firebird999 firebird999 is offline
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I know what you mean. And you're right. But there is another way. I can give everything I've got to help her, and then, if she really cares about me the way I know she does, she can help me. She deserves it first. Her life is miserable.

Her parents met in high school. They found some time alone and, one thing led to another, her mom had her before she was even a high school senior. Her dad left. Her mom had to drop out to take care of her. Her dad manipulated her mom into believing it was her own fault, so she didn't request any child support. Her dad went all the way through college and is rich. Her mom never graduated high school and is poor. Her dad won't give anything to either of them. Her one and only Christmas present from her very own father was a nice, new... $10 bill. Yay. He really cares...

And that's not the worst of it. Her current boyfriend is exactly like the father she never had. EXACTLY. He manipulates her. She admits that he's abusive and mean to her. She tried to get away one time. Her second boyfriend did worse than cheat on her. He cheated on his actual girlfriend with her. So she doesn't know what's right anymore. She understandably thinks that the abusive boyfriend is good, so she's with him again. She told me that she would love to be with me especially considering it would mean getting away from him. But she's too scared. I don't know what to do.

EDIT: Sorry B1G. I took a while typing this up. Let it sit as the end of this strange discussion, and if anyone has anything further to add you can PM me.