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Old 01-17-2009, 07:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Thanks guys. The thought of masking and spraying the stripes had come to mind, but there's almost always a problem when I do that. I'd rather do decals and then clear coat the car.

Dark gray, you say? Well that's going to be fun. Perhaps I should get one of those do-it-yourself inkjet decal kits.

As for the bondo spot glaze, that's the lacquer-based filler I was talking about; but I'm scared to use it on a car that will be subjected to the vibrations and shocks of being driven. It is very easy to work with...but it tends to crack and shrink with age--even once it's been topcoated. I used that stuff when I restored my 84 Camaro (real car, not xmod, lol), and it shrank wicked bad in just 36 hours. I had the car looking like the body had never seen a ding, rust crater, or any kind of flaw in its life---and 36 hours later, when the car was primed and left out in the sun for a day, all of the spot fill shrank. It looked like I had primed over all of the flaws without ever trying to fill them at all. I ended up re-doing the whole car using the more expensive polyester fill, which is great---but I wouldn't dare try it on plastic.

Raising the suspension might be an option, but how do you go about doing that?
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