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Old 11-09-2008, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by jimmythekid1 View Post
no thats the hard drive not the RAM. I also don't know if the graphics card meets any of the requirements you will need.

if you want to game I would go with something like this. snb_m1730_anav1~~tbRxZiyx&m_3=4G2D6&mo=3~4G2D6
Originally Posted by ling427ttvette View Post
Well, since you are so set on getting a laptop, here's a few hints from me.

Do NOT let it run all day and night, if you're not using it shut it off. Laptop cooling systems suck compared to a desktops cooling. I burnt through 3 hard drives in my old one from running it all the time, and 1 in my new Dell. My new Dell also runs hot because it has a dual core processor though.

Do NOT run it on top of your bed, or any cloth surface that will block the cooling system. Set it on hard surfaces only so it can get air flow underneath the laptop, you will fry it so quick if you don't do that.

I certainly still recommend a desktop, more bang for the buck but they aren't portable like a laptop. It all depends on if you need mobility or not, for college you usually do so I can understand the laptop. But even then you could just buy a cheap bare bones laptop to take to class and type notes in and assignments and whatnot, and then have a desktop rig for all of your gaming and more serious use. A barebones laptop could be had for cheap, and so can a desktop. All depends on where you look.
I also use a cooling pad with dual fans in it. It runs off a usb port, since getting it my laptops fan hardly ever runs.