Thread: Election 2008
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Old 11-04-2008, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by fiberworkz View Post
But then all we accomplish is making everyone equally miserable and all ending up broke anyway. Wealth distribution never works because if you take the money away from the rich how will they come up with the money to give the poor jobs? There are already numerous programs for the poor. With the risk of sounding callous; If you need money go get a job, don't try to bum it off of people who for the most part have worked their butts off to get where they are. Don't forget that a majoity of the rich did not start out rich [in fact alot of them started out poor].

while i agree with this on the most part. theres a loop hole.

Take the oil companys for example. they make BILLIONS of dollars each day... do they need that much? HELL NO. does the CEO of said company need to be making 300 bucks an hour? get real.

if the oil company only made 500 million a day. and that same CEO only took home 150 bucks an hour. he is still living the high life making twice as much money in a WEEK than the average person makes in a MONTH. are the oil companys going to survive on 500 million a day paying all their wages? god yes they are.

do you know how far 500 million a day would go to the poor people in this country. a LOONG ways in boosting the economy.