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Old 01-10-2008, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by SPR View Post
alarms dont do **** lol. specialyl when they can be disabled in less than 10 seconds, you better hope your in hearing distance for that 10 seconds. your car hasnt been stolen because of luck, not that alarm.
Alarms are a great deterrant. If the theif wants your **** THAT bad he'll take it. In Houston I know a guy who has had his car stolen from his garage. I've also witnessed a stripped Si in our school parking lot. If theives can take it...they'll strip it.

There is nothing you can do to keep theives from taking your car. NOTHING. There's a way around every single anti-theft device. Lowjack, Alarm, Killswitch, removable steeringwheel or a locked steering wheel. Don't forget, theives don't just take the car...some just leave it where it is and strip it down to the frame.

That being said alarms are a great deterent. Why? because MOST theives are lazy (hence why they steal instead of work like everyone else) so all you're really doing is making it harder for them and alarms do that best for the amount of monet you spend.

Just get yourself an alarm that will cut power to the motor if its set off. Mine has that flashing red light when the alarm is activated and its treated me well.

There's no luck involved. My car hasn't gotten stolen because its not easy to steal. 90% of Hondas stolen in Houston don't have alarms. Alarms and other anti-theft devices are merely deterants, they make it harder and not worth stealing or stripping the car.

Sweed; a removable steering wheel may seem like a geat idea but honestly, it'll just atract more attention to your car. Plus you have to think about your car being stripped...not just stolen. An Alarm makes it hard for them to strip AND steal. Alarms these days are harder to disengage. When you're at your house park it in the garage. If you're really paranoid get Lowjack.

Hell go to your local police and find out what they reccomend...they can probly tell you what characteristics of commonly stolen cars are (ie no alarm, make and model, etc).
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