Thread: Tunner Cars
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Old 10-20-2007, 07:57 PM
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-Ah, but I truely dont see how the ECU cant be tuned... Unless GM has done something to it in recent years.

-I tune it the old fashion way, CARBURATION, haha..

-Bleh, Saturn L-series. Been there, done that. Was glad when it left.

-The SS Cobalt used the Supercharged version though. But also ariel, makers of the Atom use that motor in its US verion, as opposed to Honda's VTEC motor. Same HP ratings at the 3 offered versions, but with more torque from the Ecotech.
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, hot pink, with whale
skin hubcaps and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights. Yeah! And I'm gonna drive
around in that baby at 115 miles an hour, getting 1 mile per gallon.

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